Believe that you can do it

There will have been difficult times where you probably doubted yourself a little bit. It's okay you are just being human. You’re not alone many people have felt like this at different times during life. 

If something is making you think you can't do it, tell someone your fear or if you are not sure. Talk to someone, ask them what they think. Don’t be afraid to ask or tell them how you feel, they’re just there to support you. 

You need to believe in yourself that is so important. You need to believe you can do something, trust yourself, have a go. The worst that can happen is you not trying something, as you fear you can’t. But how do you know you can't do it, if you haven’t tried? 

Tell yourself you’re wonderful, brave and strong. Tell yourself you can do it. Tell yourself that it will all be ok. Take your time and breath you’ve got this! 

Always believe you can and throw the doubt in the trash. I mean you could even write down doubt on a bit of scrap paper, and get rid of that negativity. It’s only a suggestion so it kinda feels real. 

You’re brilliant and should believe in yourself. 

Don’t forget to throw this kind of negativity in the trash! 

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