Taking longer than everyone else to achieve something

Have you ever felt like you were behind everyone else? 

Sometimes other people will be ahead of you. Maybe at school you didn’t get the grade you wanted or you haven't started toning up yet and lost all the weight you want yet. But someone else has. Oh how frustrating! Not having something at the same time as everyone else may seem frustrating, but really you don’t need to worry about it. Let’s not focus on where they are let’s focus on where you are. 

You see it doesn’t matter if you are far behind your mate or another person. Life is not a race, you take your time and enjoy where you are for now. No you might not be where you want to be, but you can be when you start working hard. 

It’s really not a bad thing to be far behind or to take longer to do something. You will get there, it takes some time. But you will get there at some point. Put the hard work in and you will see what I mean. 

As you grow you will see that everyone is at different paces and there are people who will take longer than you to get there. 

So it’s okay you don’t need to worry, just remember that. 

No you have not failed; you only fail if you stop trying at something. So keep working hard and trying. You are not a failure, you are going to succeed. 

You can do it! 

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