If you are someone who works a 9-5 every week you will be very busy. You may find it difficult to maintain your work/health balance. Working in an office job means you will be sat down in an office for the most of your day. You health is always very important. Looking after your health will help you manage any work stress you might have. You will have a better immune system and you will be able to focus more at work. Following these healthy tips will help you have positive impacts on your health and reduce the negative impacts.
Here are some healthy tips to help you stay healthier during your working week:
Eat a healthy lunch
Plan what you will eat for dinner at the start of each week and make sure you have the food you need for that week. If you take lunch to work prepare it the night before. You don't want to eat unhealthy food all the time. Preparing your own lunch is much cheaper and you can make your lunch a lot healthier. Make sure you get a healthy balanced diet. If you prepare a healthier lunch you will feel a lot better and you will have a lot more energy to get you through the day.
Keep hydrated during the day
Always keep hydrated! Make sure you get enough of it. You don't want to be dehydrated and tired at work. Make sure you have a bottle of water on your desk that you regularly drink from and make sure to top it up again. When you fill your water bottle up or get up to get a drink every now and then, it helps to get some steps in. It is better for your health to balance sitting down and standing up each day. Make sure you stay hydrated throughout your day!
Get a good amount of sleep during your working week
Sleep is very important to help your body rest and recover from each day. Having poor sleep will make things worse. You should at least get 8 hours sleep each night. Enough time for your body to function again the next day. You can make sure you go to bed and get up at a certain time during your working week. Having set times you go to sleep will help your body adjust to the sleep routine. Having a good amount of sleep will help improve your mood too.
Plan a healthy routine for your work week
Plan what time you will get up in the morning before work. Make sure you get a good breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So make sure you have it! Make time to look after your health during your busy work days. Don't forget about your health even when you have a busy life. Making a healthier routine will help you stay focused and keep you working harder.
Keep active always
Plan your workout or days you will go to a group class. Write down what days you plan to workout and what you will work on. For example one day you might work on your legs and another day you might work on your cardio. Planning these workouts will help you to stick to a routine each week. But don't be afraid to change your workouts, changing them will stop your body getting use to the same workout. If you are going to plan a workout for each week, make sure you try doing a workout 3-4 times a week for an hour each day you workout. If you don't have the time to do an hour, don't worry! You can still try a 20 minute workout if you don't have a full hour free. It is better to do a workout even if it is short than not doing one at all. Make sure you get up and get active during your busy week!
At the end of the day your health is very important and you should always take care of it.
Hope this will help you stay healthier at work!
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