There's more to fitness than just your appearance

There is so much more to fitness than a 'perfect' body. Actually 'perfect' bodies do not exist. You might be thinking but what about that fitness model I saw on Instagram? look at her body it's perfect!

First of all, social media is only a small part of someones life, you will see just an image. An image that was taken a few days ago, a few minutes ago or maybe from months ago. An image that can sometimes hide someones struggles, insecurities and emotions. They'll properly have a food baby, like me after eating all their meals and that's ok.  They'll have days where they're not feeling amazing, but they may not show it. To you the images they share may seem like they have a 'perfect' life. Yes maybe they do have a great life, but it may not be 'perfect'. They may chose not to share the downs in their life and you know what? that's fair enough! Sometimes some people prefer their social media to be positive and only share the ups in their life. Remember they're only human beings just like you they'll have their ups and downs.

I think its great when influencers are down to earth about their downs in life, as it really shows how they get back up again and continue to stay positive. 

Here are the four things that are more than just appearance in fitness:

That feel good feeling

You know that happy feeling you get when somethings gone great or when you've enjoyed yourself? Well that's the feeling you should have after a great workout. I can tell you that it's an amazing feeling! You feel super happy and it makes you smile lots and lots! Hello endorphins! Doing exercise should make you feel happy not leave you feeling rubbish about yourself, as you don't have that 'perfect' body yet. It's more important to have enjoyed exercising, than to be putting yourself down because your body has not changed or you have not toned up yet.

Improving your body takes time and for some a few years or months. Seeing results will also take a lot of patience and hard work. You've just got to think, that you're working towards a healthier body one step at a time.


Accepting your body for what it is for now. Taking care of yourself and well-being. Being happy for who you are and where you are right now. Exercise will help to make you feel more confident and happy with yourself and that's so important. Look after yourself.

Having a healthy mind 

Fitness is a great way to keep your mind healthy. It allows you to focus on improving your confidence, well-being and health. As well as being stronger physically, you'll feel stronger mentally too. You'll also be achieving something positive. You'll be proud that you're working towards your goals. Looking after your mind is so important.

Feeling less stressed 

Everyone gets stressed from time to time. There are ways to help you feel less stressed and one of them is exercise. Another way to help control the stress, is when you make improvements to your diet too. If you're feeling stressed exercise will help you get away from the stress and help you too feel much better. So if you're feeling a bit stressed out, take some time to do a bit of exercise even if it's for ten minutes. You could also go for a walk or do a bit of stretching. It doesn't matter if you don't do a full hour of exercise, it matters that you start moving and you take control of that stress.

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