Its been a while since I've last typed up a blog post. So lets have a little catch up!
I'm not going to lie these past weeks have been a tad tough. I had exams to revise for so I decided to take a break form blogging for a while until I'd finished all my exams. But sadly the day after my last exam my dog I'd had from a puppy throughout my teenage life just passed away suddenly. As this had just recently happened, I was not feeling in the best state of mind to blog and to be honest I've not wanted to blog since!
Anyway on a positive note I'm back blogging again! Yay!!
What I've learnt form life is that you should always believe in yourself and it doesn't matter if others believe in you or not, you have to believe in yourself first. If you go about life with a negative outlook you'll struggle to get far. You need to replace that negative outlook with a positive one instead of "its too hard I can't do it" say to yourself "yes I can do this, I've got this." I mean what is the point in starting something if you don't believe in yourself? If you start something and it gets tough just keep going a saying I love is "Life is tough my darling, but so are you." because you are tough and can do it. Life is hard, you'll have your highs and lows.Yes I understand that its not always going to be easy or simple but when you believe in yourself you can get through anything.
We all aspire to do something even if you don't think you do at this current moment, you will! when you do it'll be one of the greatest feelings you have! Dreams are amazing they can be as big as you want them to be. Let me tell you its so beautiful to dream about what you aspire to do in the future.
Here are five ways to believe in yourself:
Positive mindset
Having a positive attitude towards things in life is the way forward. It always helps to look on the bright side of things even if they're negative, you can always find a positive out of them. You can overcome any obstacle that life throws at you. Tell yourself you can do it. Ignore others who say horrible things about you or try and stop you from bettering yourself. Keep smiling, follow others who have a positive attitude towards things. Look after yourself, think positive, talk to yourself positively. Smile lots.
Do yourself a favor quit the negative self-talk, nobody's got time for that!
Trust yourself
Have a go at something or start something, have trust in yourself you can do it. Believe in yourself. Sometimes you just need to trust yourself to allow you to go far in life. I mean if you can't trust yourself, how will you trust others?
Yes things may go wrong, you make mistakes just like every other human being out there does from time to time. It's not as bad as you think but not trusting yourself will stop you from experiencing amazing things you may really love to do in life. You will hold yourself back. You don't want to do that now, do you?
Yes things may go wrong, you make mistakes just like every other human being out there does from time to time. It's not as bad as you think but not trusting yourself will stop you from experiencing amazing things you may really love to do in life. You will hold yourself back. You don't want to do that now, do you?
Think about your past accomplishments
Yeah there will be the highs and lows but you will have or had amazing highs in life. Think back what did you excel in? maybe an exam or job? etc. You did that and that's amazing so why stop believing in yourself now? you did it then, you can do it now.
A good way to help you remember your accomplishments in life is to note them down then you can see if you can use any of your skills for your future achievements. Think how did you keep going? did you set up breaks during revision to help you stay motivated with your revision? Did you do some extra research or a course for a job/career you succeeded in? doing these things can help you to believe you can do it.
A good way to help you remember your accomplishments in life is to note them down then you can see if you can use any of your skills for your future achievements. Think how did you keep going? did you set up breaks during revision to help you stay motivated with your revision? Did you do some extra research or a course for a job/career you succeeded in? doing these things can help you to believe you can do it.
Never give up, keep going
Do you ever feel like giving up? well please don't! Is what you're doing not going right at the moment? if so keep going, you maybe thinking why?, we have all failed at something in the past but that gives you more reason not to give up on what're doing. I mean a lot of people have failed, but did that stop them, no! why should you give up? It's only the beginning, it's never too late to start. Give it a go.
Yes you may fail many times but life is hard at times and it wouldn't be as challenging without failures. Failing at something doesn't make you a bad person or bad at what you love or what you want to do, it's just that you can look at things with a new perspective. Maybe you were doing something that doesn't work for you or maybe you just need to try with a different approach. So keep going, you'll never know how far you might go if you just give up now.
Yes you may fail many times but life is hard at times and it wouldn't be as challenging without failures. Failing at something doesn't make you a bad person or bad at what you love or what you want to do, it's just that you can look at things with a new perspective. Maybe you were doing something that doesn't work for you or maybe you just need to try with a different approach. So keep going, you'll never know how far you might go if you just give up now.
Get out of your comfort zone
Getting out of that comfort zone you have can really be amazing, trust me you'll be so proud of yourself later for doing something you may have been afraid to do before. We've all got or had comfort zones that could be at home, around a certain person or a certain place you're afraid to leave.
If you get any opportunity to do something or go somewhere why not? Sure you'll be out of your comfort zone but you'll experience outside that comfort zone at some point. That comfort zone may not be there forever so give it a go get out there.
If you get any opportunity to do something or go somewhere why not? Sure you'll be out of your comfort zone but you'll experience outside that comfort zone at some point. That comfort zone may not be there forever so give it a go get out there.
Keep dreaming big never stop, its only the beginning.
Always believe in yourself!
With lots of love