I hate to break it to you but life isn't always so rosy! Life's full of those highs and lows, ups and downs yes it's a hell of a roller coaster. You never know what could be around that corner and let's be honest you wouldn't want to know even if you say you do. At times you're just never fully prepared to hear something so awful or heartbreaking it just takes you by such shock and despair you feel like the world is about to end. You just think there's nothing or anyone who can make you feel yourself again, that you'll never be able to get through it ever. It just seems so impossible to feel normal again.
You're thinking wrong it's just your sad and angry emotions getting to you. Everyone goes through these rubbish times so you're never ever alone. Have that cry, let that pain out. Do what you need to do to cope. I know it's a painful time and you don't feel like doing anything right now that's understandable you're only human. Take your time. Don't listen to those who tell you to cheer up or just get over it straight away they have no idea how you feel on the inside. Everyone's different on the inside and will deal with situations very differently to someone else. These painful times in life take time for you to recover and heal, with each day that goes past you're getting there slowly (you may not feel it) but hey you're still here living and you're so strong and super brave you can keep that up! Day by day you will begin to feel the lovely self that you are, so please don't give up you are so special. Take care of yourself.
You just need to find your own happiness your true sparkle, go find yourself, go do that new hobby you've always wanted to try, take risks, go get another job even if it's out of your comfort zone, treat yourself every now and then, make your voice be heard, start that new trend even if it's not as 'cool' yet, stand up for what you believe in, be yourself don't try and change just to 'fit in' with that group of people. I mean you don't want to be that sheep who follows a heard around, do you? Let's just be honest trying to act all 'cool' for others isn't going to make you truly happy in the end. Be who you want to be for yourself don't be afraid you're so loved by many others, who love seeing you grow into the person you truly are☺️ don't stop keep it up its just the beginning.
The only way forward is to keep going and powering through. You're the only one who makes that choice.
Hope this helps you for now and for the future!
Remember the world has not ended nor will it for you!
You're so powerful✨
Lots of love,