New year, new blog post

Hey there lovelies!

Well its been a while since I last posted a blog post...HAPPY NEW YEAR ANGELS! can you believe its 2017 already? time just flies by! what a year 2016 has been with many lows but also some highs. I mean life can be somewhat challenging, but you'll always face them throughout life. 

I'll be completely honest 2016 wasn't one of the better years for me, nor was the start of this year. Last year I faced many changes, new challenges and difficult times. But I'm still here, not looking back looking forward using the past to help improve my future. Everyone goes through difficult times even if its the start of a year or the end of a year, its just how life works. Unfortunately unexpected things can happen, a death of a loved one, a family pet, loss of a job, loss of relationship etc. It's all so heartbreaking not being able to change what has happened. It would be so wonderful if you could go back in time and improve or stop that certain moment from happening. You and I all know that will never happen...if only we could control those events that happen. 

...anyway lets now focus on the positives. Did you have a great time spent with your mates or a lovely holiday to take away the stress that real life can have on you? Did you make such lovely memories you'll cherish for the rest of your life?

I can definitely say I have made many lovely memories with friends and family last year. Also meeting new lovely people and been given absolutely brilliant opportunities that I'm so grateful for. I love that I've met some lovely and wonderful dog walkers. There's one very lovely women who gives me a lot of hugs and is always so kind to everyone she meets. It just makes me very happy that we can chat as she lives on her own, but now shes a wonderful friend I enjoy chatting to. If I see her out walking her dog I'll rush out the door just so we can have a lovely chat. People like her make the world feel like a much better place. It's so lovely that she listens to what I have to say bad or good and I enjoy listening to what she has to say. 

Yes I've had a lot to say I'll stop soon I promise, but I've just got to say how much my beauuutiful, wonderful, brilliant best friend Em is. Who has been through all the difficult and good times with me. She's always been there (she even came all the way back from uni just to help and comfort me last year, what a lovely star she really is) that's why I can trust her to always be there no matter what. She deserves a lot to be honest, I appreciate everything she does for me and always will. Always cherish a friend like this. 

Wishing you one of the loveliest years...EVER! 

With lots of love,


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